<!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <script src="https://cdn.tailwindcss.com"></script> </head> <body> <div class="max-w-4xl mx-auto px-5 mt-16"> <div class="text-center"> <h2 class="font-semibold text-3xl">Features you'll love</h2> <p class="max-w-md mx-auto mt-2 text-gray-500">A responsive documentation template built for everyone who wants to create a plugin.</p> </div> <div class="grid md:grid-cols-2 gap-10 mt-10"> <div class="flex gap-4 items-start"> <span class="text-violet-600 bg-violet-500/10 p-3 rounded-full"> <svg width="15" height="15" viewBox="0 0 15 15" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class="w-5 h-5"> <path d="M0.849976 1.74998C0.849976 1.25292 1.25292 0.849976 1.74998 0.849976H3.24998C3.74703 0.849976 4.14998 1.25292 4.14998 1.74998V2.04998H10.85V1.74998C10.85 1.25292 11.2529 0.849976 11.75 0.849976H13.25C13.747 0.849976 14.15 1.25292 14.15 1.74998V3.24998C14.15 3.74703 13.747 4.14998 13.25 4.14998H12.95V10.85H13.25C13.747 10.85 14.15 11.2529 14.15 11.75V13.25C14.15 13.747 13.747 14.15 13.25 14.15H11.75C11.2529 14.15 10.85 13.747 10.85 13.25V12.95H4.14998V13.25C4.14998 13.747 3.74703 14.15 3.24998 14.15H1.74998C1.25292 14.15 0.849976 13.747 0.849976 13.25V11.75C0.849976 11.2529 1.25292 10.85 1.74998 10.85H2.04998V4.14998H1.74998C1.25292 4.14998 0.849976 3.74703 0.849976 3.24998V1.74998ZM2.94998 4.14998V10.85H3.24998C3.74703 10.85 4.14998 11.2529 4.14998 11.75V12.05H10.85V11.75C10.85 11.2529 11.2529 10.85 11.75 10.85H12.05V4.14998H11.75C11.2529 4.14998 10.85 3.74703 10.85 3.24998V2.94998H4.14998V3.24998C4.14998 3.74703 3.74703 4.14998 3.24998 4.14998H2.94998ZM2.34998 1.74998H1.74998V2.34998V2.64998V3.24998H2.34998H2.64998H3.24998V2.64998V2.34998V1.74998H2.64998H2.34998ZM5.09998 5.99998C5.09998 5.50292 5.50292 5.09998 5.99998 5.09998H6.99998C7.49703 5.09998 7.89998 5.50292 7.89998 5.99998V6.99998C7.89998 7.03591 7.89787 7.07134 7.89378 7.10618C7.92861 7.10208 7.96405 7.09998 7.99998 7.09998H8.99998C9.49703 7.09998 9.89998 7.50292 9.89998 7.99998V8.99998C9.89998 9.49703 9.49703 9.89998 8.99998 9.89998H7.99998C7.50292 9.89998 7.09998 9.49703 7.09998 8.99998V7.99998C7.09998 7.96405 7.10208 7.92861 7.10618 7.89378C7.07134 7.89787 7.03591 7.89998 6.99998 7.89998H5.99998C5.50292 7.89998 5.09998 7.49703 5.09998 6.99998V5.99998ZM6.09998 5.99998H5.99998V6.09998V6.89998V6.99998H6.09998H6.89998H6.99998V6.89998V6.09998V5.99998H6.89998H6.09998ZM7.99998 7.99998H8.09998H8.89998H8.99998V8.09998V8.89998V8.99998H8.89998H8.09998H7.99998V8.89998V8.09998V7.99998ZM2.64998 11.75H2.34998H1.74998V12.35V12.65V13.25H2.34998H2.64998H3.24998V12.65V12.35V11.75H2.64998ZM11.75 1.74998H12.35H12.65H13.25V2.34998V2.64998V3.24998H12.65H12.35H11.75V2.64998V2.34998V1.74998ZM12.65 11.75H12.35H11.75V12.35V12.65V13.25H12.35H12.65H13.25V12.65V12.35V11.75H12.65Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd"></path> </svg></span> <div> <h3 class="font-semibold text-xl">Customizable</h3> <p class="mt-1 text-gray-500"> You don't need to be an expert to customize this plugin. Our code is very readable and well documented.</p> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-4 items-start"> <span class="text-violet-600 bg-violet-500/10 p-3 rounded-full"> <svg width="15" height="15" viewBox="0 0 15 15" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class="w-5 h-5"> <path d="M3.00014 2.73895C3.00014 2.94698 2.76087 3.06401 2.59666 2.93628L1.00386 1.69744C0.875177 1.59735 0.875177 1.40286 1.00386 1.30277L2.59666 0.063928C2.76087 -0.0637944 3.00014 0.0532293 3.00014 0.261266V1.00012H9.00009V0.261296C9.00009 0.0532591 9.23936 -0.0637646 9.40358 0.0639578L10.9964 1.3028C11.1251 1.40289 11.1251 1.59738 10.9964 1.69747L9.40358 2.93631C9.23936 3.06404 9.00009 2.94701 9.00009 2.73898V2.00012H3.00014V2.73895ZM9.50002 4.99998H2.50002C2.22388 4.99998 2.00002 5.22384 2.00002 5.49998V12.5C2.00002 12.7761 2.22388 13 2.50002 13H9.50002C9.77616 13 10 12.7761 10 12.5V5.49998C10 5.22384 9.77616 4.99998 9.50002 4.99998ZM2.50002 3.99998C1.67159 3.99998 1.00002 4.67156 1.00002 5.49998V12.5C1.00002 13.3284 1.67159 14 2.50002 14H9.50002C10.3284 14 11 13.3284 11 12.5V5.49998C11 4.67156 10.3284 3.99998 9.50002 3.99998H2.50002ZM14.7389 6.00001H14V12H14.7389C14.9469 12 15.064 12.2393 14.9362 12.4035L13.6974 13.9963C13.5973 14.125 13.4028 14.125 13.3027 13.9963L12.0639 12.4035C11.9362 12.2393 12.0532 12 12.2612 12H13V6.00001H12.2612C12.0532 6.00001 11.9361 5.76074 12.0639 5.59653L13.3027 4.00373C13.4028 3.87505 13.5973 3.87505 13.6974 4.00374L14.9362 5.59653C15.0639 5.76074 14.9469 6.00001 14.7389 6.00001Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd"></path> </svg></span> <div> <h3 class="font-semibold text-xl">Fully Responsive</h3> <p class="mt-1 text-gray-500"> With mobile, tablet & desktop support it doesn't matter what device you're using. This plugin is responsive in all browsers. </p> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-4 items-start"> <span class="text-violet-600 bg-violet-500/10 p-3 rounded-full"> <svg width="15" height="15" viewBox="0 0 15 15" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class="w-5 h-5"> <path d="M1 2C0.447715 2 0 2.44772 0 3V12C0 12.5523 0.447715 13 1 13H14C14.5523 13 15 12.5523 15 12V3C15 2.44772 14.5523 2 14 2H1ZM1 3L14 3V3.92494C13.9174 3.92486 13.8338 3.94751 13.7589 3.99505L7.5 7.96703L1.24112 3.99505C1.16621 3.94751 1.0826 3.92486 1 3.92494V3ZM1 4.90797V12H14V4.90797L7.74112 8.87995C7.59394 8.97335 7.40606 8.97335 7.25888 8.87995L1 4.90797Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd"></path> </svg></span> <div> <h3 class="font-semibold text-xl">Developer Support</h3> <p class="mt-1 text-gray-500"> Our plugins are supported by sponsors who provide community support. Sponsors will get email support on weekdays.</p> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-4 items-start"> <span class="text-violet-600 bg-violet-500/10 p-3 rounded-full"> <svg width="15" height="15" viewBox="0 0 15 15" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class="w-5 h-5"> <path d="M4.5 2C3.11929 2 2 3.11929 2 4.5C2 5.88072 3.11929 7 4.5 7C5.88072 7 7 5.88072 7 4.5C7 3.11929 5.88072 2 4.5 2ZM3 4.5C3 3.67157 3.67157 3 4.5 3C5.32843 3 6 3.67157 6 4.5C6 5.32843 5.32843 6 4.5 6C3.67157 6 3 5.32843 3 4.5ZM10.5 2C9.11929 2 8 3.11929 8 4.5C8 5.88072 9.11929 7 10.5 7C11.8807 7 13 5.88072 13 4.5C13 3.11929 11.8807 2 10.5 2ZM9 4.5C9 3.67157 9.67157 3 10.5 3C11.3284 3 12 3.67157 12 4.5C12 5.32843 11.3284 6 10.5 6C9.67157 6 9 5.32843 9 4.5ZM2 10.5C2 9.11929 3.11929 8 4.5 8C5.88072 8 7 9.11929 7 10.5C7 11.8807 5.88072 13 4.5 13C3.11929 13 2 11.8807 2 10.5ZM4.5 9C3.67157 9 3 9.67157 3 10.5C3 11.3284 3.67157 12 4.5 12C5.32843 12 6 11.3284 6 10.5C6 9.67157 5.32843 9 4.5 9ZM10.5 8C9.11929 8 8 9.11929 8 10.5C8 11.8807 9.11929 13 10.5 13C11.8807 13 13 11.8807 13 10.5C13 9.11929 11.8807 8 10.5 8ZM9 10.5C9 9.67157 9.67157 9 10.5 9C11.3284 9 12 9.67157 12 10.5C12 11.3284 11.3284 12 10.5 12C9.67157 12 9 11.3284 9 10.5Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd"></path> </svg></span> <div> <h3 class="font-semibold text-xl">Cross Browser</h3> <p class="mt-1 text-gray-500"> We make sure our plugins are working perfectly with all modern browsers available such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari. </p> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-4 items-start"> <span class="text-violet-600 bg-violet-500/10 p-3 rounded-full"> <svg width="15" height="15" viewBox="0 0 15 15" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class="w-5 h-5"> <path d="M9.96424 2.68571C10.0668 2.42931 9.94209 2.13833 9.6857 2.03577C9.4293 1.93322 9.13832 2.05792 9.03576 2.31432L5.03576 12.3143C4.9332 12.5707 5.05791 12.8617 5.3143 12.9642C5.5707 13.0668 5.86168 12.9421 5.96424 12.6857L9.96424 2.68571ZM3.85355 5.14646C4.04882 5.34172 4.04882 5.6583 3.85355 5.85356L2.20711 7.50001L3.85355 9.14646C4.04882 9.34172 4.04882 9.6583 3.85355 9.85356C3.65829 10.0488 3.34171 10.0488 3.14645 9.85356L1.14645 7.85356C0.951184 7.6583 0.951184 7.34172 1.14645 7.14646L3.14645 5.14646C3.34171 4.9512 3.65829 4.9512 3.85355 5.14646ZM11.1464 5.14646C11.3417 4.9512 11.6583 4.9512 11.8536 5.14646L13.8536 7.14646C14.0488 7.34172 14.0488 7.6583 13.8536 7.85356L11.8536 9.85356C11.6583 10.0488 11.3417 10.0488 11.1464 9.85356C10.9512 9.6583 10.9512 9.34172 11.1464 9.14646L12.7929 7.50001L11.1464 5.85356C10.9512 5.6583 10.9512 5.34172 11.1464 5.14646Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd"></path> </svg></span> <div> <h3 class="font-semibold text-xl">Clean Code</h3> <p class="mt-1 text-gray-500"> We strictly follow a set of guidelines along with unit tests to make sure your implementation as easy as possible. </p> </div> </div> <div class="flex gap-4 items-start"> <span class="text-violet-600 bg-violet-500/10 p-3 rounded-full"> <svg width="15" height="15" viewBox="0 0 15 15" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class="w-5 h-5"> <path d="M7.28856 0.796908C7.42258 0.734364 7.57742 0.734364 7.71144 0.796908L13.7114 3.59691C13.8875 3.67906 14 3.85574 14 4.05V10.95C14 11.1443 13.8875 11.3209 13.7114 11.4031L7.71144 14.2031C7.57742 14.2656 7.42258 14.2656 7.28856 14.2031L1.28856 11.4031C1.11252 11.3209 1 11.1443 1 10.95V4.05C1 3.85574 1.11252 3.67906 1.28856 3.59691L7.28856 0.796908ZM2 4.80578L7 6.93078V12.9649L2 10.6316V4.80578ZM8 12.9649L13 10.6316V4.80578L8 6.93078V12.9649ZM7.5 6.05672L12.2719 4.02866L7.5 1.80176L2.72809 4.02866L7.5 6.05672Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd"></path> </svg></span> <div> <h3 class="font-semibold text-xl">Well Maintained</h3> <p class="mt-1 text-gray-500"> This templatte is actively maintained by the core plugin team. We are working on fixing each of the issues reported.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>
/* Doesn't require any CSS. */
//Doesn't require any JS.
This Tailwind CSS snippet provides a visually appealing and responsive features list with icons. It's a versatile component for showcasing the key benefits or features of your product or service. The list is designed to be customizable, allowing you to tailor its appearance and content to match your website's design.
Key Features:
- Responsive Design: The features list adapts seamlessly to different screen sizes, ensuring a consistent user experience across devices.
- Customizable Styling: Easily modify the appearance of the list using Tailwind CSS utility classes to match your website's design and branding.
- Icons: Incorporate icons to visually represent each feature, enhancing clarity and engagement.
- Clear and Concise Presentation: The features are presented in a clear and concise manner, making it easy for users to understand the benefits.
- Hover Effects: Add optional hover effects to the features list for added visual interest and interactivity.
- Include Tailwind CSS: Ensure you have Tailwind CSS installed and configured in your project.
- Create the HTML Structure: Set up the basic HTML structure for the features list, including the container, list items, and icon elements.
- Apply Tailwind CSS Classes: Use Tailwind CSS utility classes to style the features list and its elements, such as features-list, feature-item, feature-icon, feature-title, and feature-description.
- Customize as Needed: Modify the Tailwind CSS classes and HTML structure to customize the appearance and content of the features list according to your specific requirements.

Stylish Contact Form with Image in Tailwind CSS

Responsive Registration Form with Image in Tailwind CSS

Bootstrap 5 Payment Method Form Page with Invoice

Modern Pricing Table Design with Bootstrap 4

Responsive Multi-Level Drop-Down Navigation Menu in CSS

Interactive Bottom Navigation Bar Indicator with CSS

Real-time Password Strength Indicator in Bootstrap 5

Responsive Video Card Component for Tailwind CSS

Responsive Feature Highlight Component with Tailwind CSS

Multi-Step Form with International Phone Input and Nice Select

Responsive Review Cards Component with CSS3

Responsive CSS3 Timeline Design With Hover Effects
Building Blocks for Your Web Pages
Explore a collection of pre-written HTML,CSS and Javascript
snippets to jumpstart your web development projects.